18 Mentally Strong People Do

    1. They move on. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves.
    2. They keep control.They don’t give away their power.
    3. They embrace change. They welcome new challenges in life.
    4. They stay happy. They don’t complain. They don’t waste energy on things they can’t control.
    5. They are kind, fair, and unafraid to speak up. They don’t worry about pleasing other people.
    6. They are willing to take calculated risks. They weigh the risks and benefits before taking action.
    7. They invest energy in the present. They don’t dwell on the past.
    8. They accept full responsibility for their past behavior. They don’t make the same mistake over and over.
    9. They celebrate other people’s success. They don’t resent that success.
    10. They are willing to fail. They don’t gie up fter failing. THey see every failure as a chnce to improve.
    11. They enjoy their time alone. They don’t fear being alone.
    12. They are prepared to work and succeed on their own merits. They don’t feel the world owes them anything.
    13. They have staying power. They don’t expect immediate results.
    14. They evaluate their core beliefs – and modify as needed.
    15. They expend their mental energy wisely. They don’t spend time on unproductive thoughts.
    16. They think productively. They repace negtive thoughts with productive thoughts.
    17. They tolerate discomfort. They accept their feelings without being controlled by them.
    18. They reflect on their progress every day. They take time to consider what theyve achieved and where they are going.


Most difficult yet comforting things to accept about life.

1. Everyone is insecure about something. It’s not just you.
-Everyone is insecure about something. Like literally, every person on the planet is. So if you think that you are not good enough because of some things that you find in other people yet you can’t see it in yourself, then just think and realize that they too have their own insecurities. That they also have their own set of weaknesses wherein they have something missing about them that they can only find in other people’s forms

2. You will never be 100% sure about the decisions you made. But always make a decision because it’s better to go back and fix it than to never make it at all.

-All people have what if’s in their own minds. Everyone goes through that phase wherein you have to make a decision that could change your life forever or have the serious decision that could put the people who matter to you at stake. But my father always said to me, no matter how unsure you are of your decision, it’s better to have a decision than to make no decision at all. It’s better to have a wrong decision because you will learn how to cope up with it or to learn to never repeat the wrong decision you’ve already made rather than passing up your ability to choose and regretting it because you’re not happy how things have turned out. For example, you have to choose between a pizza and fries. No matter how much you want to get both, you can’t, you just have to pick one food. It’s either you get the pizza or the fries. It’s always better to choose between the two since you can benefit from that decision rather than not choosing and end up regretting that you didn’t have any food in your hands.

3. There is always someone better than you. So there’s no point to compare.
-This, I’ve learned the hard way. When I was young, I really don’t want to lose, I always want to be on top but as I grow older, I realize that I’m just torturing myself for the things that I’m not really good at. I may be good at academics but there are always some people or some students that would excel in a certain subject because it’s their line of interest or it’s their line of intelligence. You can’t compete with someone who has already had advance studying and to add up to that, they really excel in that subject. All you can do is to accept that there’s always someone better than you, but also understand that there are things that you also excel and that there are things in life wherein you are better than them. That’s life. It’s how it works. People are different, unique and beautiful in their own way. You just have to find and to learn how and what aspect of life do you excel the most.

4. There’s nothing in life that you can really control except your own thoughts and actions. So always hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
– I kind of lived my life right now with this saying because we never really know what would happen next. Because we don’t have a gift of foresight like maybe, others do. Though always hope for the best, because why not right? Hope for the best situation but never ever forget to face reality also because those two, if combined will be the best scenario any person would want. But if not just think that everything happens for a reason and you can continue to improve yourself to get the situation you want or achieve the goals you want.

5. Nothing lasts forever. Things change, people change. And YOU can change anytime too.

    -This may sound like I’m being bitter about the world and my life, but no. Let’s face reality. Not everything goes just like we’ve planned. There will always be a downfall, a milestone, a struggle and a success along the way. Just like they say “The only constant in this world is changing”. Some people rant about how people around them has changed drastically, not realizing that maybe, just maybe, they have changed too, in a way that they have not imagined. It may be for the better, or it may be for the worst, but the main thing is that they changed. You can change. Anytime you want. Any time you realize that you want to live your life to the fullest and stop procrastinating in reaching your goals or just change the way you dress, the way you eat. No matter how little, or how unimportant it is to you, or to the people surrounding you. You can change, or you have changed. And they will/did too.

    6. Life is not a fairytale. That’s why it’s always exciting and you’ll never be bored.
    – There may be people who say that their life is pretty much boring compared to others. That’s maybe because you haven’t reached the peak of your existence yet. You haven’t had the climax of all the climax in your life. As long as you’re alive, you should keep in mind, there are things that would change our lives in a blink of an eye and that’s what makes it interesting. Just like what I’ve said, you never know what would happen next. A human’s life is not a fairytale that just ends after the happily ever after. It’s a novel wherein, we have many ups and downs, struggles, and many more. We have learned, and we will learn as long as we shall live.

    7. Hard work doesn’t guarantee success. But that’s what makes it challenging.
    -No matter how many people say that hard work is the key to success, some people don’t just get success just because they work hard. Sometimes, the people who work the hardest aren’t the ones who are given the opportunity to let their talents and skills shine just for the reason that they don’t fit into that society. It just makes the journey more challenging as the other people who see another person works hard, also want to have some good changes happen in their lives. Everyone wants to be the best person they can be. Every person has a competitive side that they may show or hide. It just depends on the person. But when they see another person, achieving something they also want by hard work, maybe that would be some turning point in their lives wherein they don’t want to be looked down because they haven’t achieved anything yet, so they’ll also work hard and the cycle continues.

    Inspired by: Lifehack (Pinterest)

    My First

    I have always been a fan of bloggers from around the world who shares the same interests as mine. Well more commonly the studygrammers, the people who shares their love for studying on instagram, the studyblrs on pinterest, and on tumblr. I get inspired by their works making me want to do well like them. I wanted to have the same achievements in school and in academics like they have been, so here I am, publishing my first ever post here on wordpress and hopefully, inspire others too with my works and make them realize that studying is not all about sufferings from early morning schedules, exams and other boring but hard stuffs. It could be fun when you want it to be fun. So I hope that you, yes you, the one reading this, hopefully you’ll like my future posts and that we’ll get along fine. 😊